New funding for study into experiences of having CAR-T
Funding of £154,252 has recently been confirmed for an 18-month study to examine what it is like to have CAR-T therapy for blood cancer, or to care for someone after this type of treatment. The funding is from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) as part of their Research for Patient Benefit scheme.
The study has been designed alongside patients and caregivers, and the doctors and nurses at St. James Hospital Leeds, who take care of the people receiving CAR-T. Patients will be asked to complete a questionnaire each time they come to clinic - before and after receiving CAR-T. Along with their families/carers, they will also be invited to take part in a detailed interview with a researcher about their experiences.
After the data have been collected, the study team will look at it to identify similarities and differences in what people say. Findings will hopefully be used to improve experiences in the future. These will be shared on our websites, in newsletters, at conferences and open days, and in medical journals. Patients and caregivers will be involved in all aspects of the study.